
VVDI Toyota 8A OBD All Keys Lost Adapter FAQs

Q: Why we need this VVDI Toyota 8A adapter?
A: With this 8A AKL adapter, users can program Toyota 8A non-smart key ( on Levin, Corolla, RAV4, Parado, Land Cruiser, Camry, Highlander, Reiz, Sienna etc models) via OBD without disassembling immobilier box.
Q:Does this need a subscription for Toyota or is this a bypass..
A: Bypass.

Q: Does it support new 2020 Toyota keys?
A: Yes.

Q: Does a programmer of the degree need hello besides this adapter?
A: The adapter cannot be used alone. It should be work with vvdi2 or key tool max+ mini obd tool.
Q: Do you have instructions of the how to use (wiring diagram)?
A: Instructions and wiring diagram will be posted when it is for sale. Keep updating.
Q: Can it be used simultaneously with a barracuda?
A: No. Barracuda is a ecu programmer. The adapter require a OBD programmer to program key.

Q: Even without vvdi2 i can use it with mini obd tool?
A: The 8A adapter can be used with vvdi2, key tool max+ mini OBD tool.

Q: Toyota Aygo 2015 System H all keys lost. Does this kit program the chip?
A: Yes, it can.

Q: And what all do the Toyota 8A cable work on?
A: obd ready toyota for H type 8A could be 2019 or 2020

Q: Proximity or just keyed?
A: Not smart key. Just key.

Q: Possible to program smart key Land cruiser after 2016?
A: Yes, it will.

Q:Is possible to use Vvdi2 and VVDI key tool?
A: It can be used with vvdi2, but no vvdi key tool.

Q:How much for the whole kit (vvdi key tool max+ mini OBD tool + 8a adapter)
A: $697.

Keep updating…

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