
Xhorse Cannot Generate Kia 8A using XM38 Toyota?

 Question: Xhorse vvdi key tool max didn’t generate Smart key for kia cerato 2015 8a using Toyota XM38 smart remote. It says not support this type. What remote should i use?

Xhorse Cannot Generate Kia 8A using XM38 Toyota 1

Xhorse Cannot Generate Kia 8A using XM38 Toyota 2

Xhorse Cannot Generate Kia 8A using XM38 Toyota 3


You are using the wrong remote. Only XM38 Hyundai support generates this remote.

This is xm38 Toyota not XM38 Hyundai, they are two different smart remotes.


XM38-Toyota should not work for that. This is a universal XM38, can work for all smart key except Toyota & hyundai/kia. The one you need must use special series of smart remote for Hyundai like xm38-Toyota (for Toyota).
 XM38-Hyundai is not yet for sale.

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